LIUNA members can get registered, check their registration, or request a ballot from LIUNA's new 2020 election website at We need every single LIUNA member to vote for leaders who will fight for:
- Real infrastructure investment
- Davis Bacon and prevailing wage laws
- Retirement security for every worker
- Collective bargaining rights
- An all-of-the-above energy policy
Check your registration and share with LIUNA members today!

The NABTU 2020 Tradeswomen Build Nations Virtual Conference
The 2020 NABTU Tradeswomen Build Nations Virtual Conference which will be held on Saturday, October 17, beginning at 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, has opened its online registration: REGISTER HERE. The Registration is free. The LIUNA 2020 Tradeswomen Build Nations Virtual Caucus Zoom will be held on Friday, October 16, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time., and is also free to LIUNA tradeswomen. This free event will also require pre-registration: TWBN Conference's LIUNA Virtual Caucus meeting.

Election Plan
- Mailers: Be on the lookout for LIUNA for Biden mailers, including a piece for LIUNA retirees.
- Digital Ads: Our members will be targeted with online ads and videos of our mailers and LIUNA For Biden message. Members should see the ads approximately 30 times.
- Special Keepsake Edition of The Laborer Magazine: Be on the lookout for a special edition of The Laborers magazine in mid-October with election information for members on protecting their wages, pensions, and healthcare.
Congress Passes Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act
Recently, Congress passed the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act (H.R. 4447), which includes certain amendments that provide strong labor standards and establish a grant for union pre-apprenticeship training programs. However, the legislation also contains provisions that hinder the construction of important energy infrastructure. LIUNA opposes such unnecessary job killing proposals and will continue to work for legislation that expands job creation in existing and emerging energy sectors. Read Statement.
LIUNA Supports H.R. 8406, the HEROES Act
LIUNA is proud to support H.R. 8406, the HEROES Act. H.R. 8406 has $2.2 trillion in significant, necessary help for middle-class families everywhere. LIUNA is especially supportive of the health care and economic relief provisions in the bill, including critically needed relief for multi-employer pensions in the form of partition (EPRA) and the optional composite provisions of the GROW Act. Read More.
Highway Bill Extension
Congress passed a one year extension of the Highway Bill at existing levels as a part of the agreement to keep the government funded into December. The extension provides some stability for states to continue important transportation infrastructure projects for another year, but unfortunately falls short of the long term reauthorization that we had hoped for. Read Statement.